November 14, 2018 ~ New Republic Studios

New Republic Studios

We are pleased as punch to present a panel from New Republic Studios on Wednesday, November 14th @ Opal Divine’s:

Mindy Raymond

Mindy Raymond
Director of Marketing & Development

Mindy is an actor, voiceover artist, producer, and the former Executive Director of TXMPA. She now heads up a team that has expanded New Republic Studios‘ scope into a multi-platform creative campus serving the film, television, commercial, new media, and the AR/VR/XR industries as well as the creative community at large for projects and production of any scale with a new world-class team and unique services and amenities. Mindy also teaches Yoga, and is a wife & mom.
“I connect people. I am organized and a quick study. I love challenging experiences that help me grow as an individual. I have a variety of interests from film, voiceover work and acting to yoga, travel and snowboarding.”

Cj Felux

Cj Felux
Production Manager

CJ’s role is ensuring that those on every production enjoy a great experience and have all the tools needed when filming commercials, music videos, or feature films. He is also responsible for organizing payroll and managing the internship program. CJ is a filmmaker at heart, with wide-ranging experience from a DP on music videos to animating for a 48 hour film contest. He is a driven, hard-working individual, who always looks for new opportunities to grow and learn in the film industry. His current personal project is a YouTube series about teaching young adults how to navigate the transition into adulthood in the 21st Century.


Cruz Garcia

Cruz Garcia
Social Media Director

Cruz handles all the social media, as well as any visual content that the studio needs. He is a media developer who uses his camera to focus on creating and displaying what the world has to offer. Cruz also enjoys creating content from micro-docs, social media content for business, and volunteering time to create videos for nonprofits, as well as work on some more narrative projects. Besides film, his other passions include biking, hiking, and trying out unique foods in Austin.



These 3 talented, experienced, and passionately creative artists will discuss the many aspects of media production, from inception to final product and promotion. This mixer offers a unique opportunity to get the facts, insights, and inspiration to think BIG about new projects and ideas, and discover how New Republic Studios can help dreams become reality. Actors, producers, writers, and all those interested in media production are invited!

Hollywood has studios galore. NYC has the island of Manhattan. Atlanta has Tyler Perry & Pinewood Studios.

We have New Republic Studios.

It’s this sort of entertainment production infrastructure that will take Texas to the top of our industry. And it’s available to us all.

Formerly Spiderwood Studios, the newly renovated New Republic Studios is a sprawling creative campus on the outskirts of Austin featuring 4 sound stages, green rooms, dressing rooms, offices, a kitchen, a conference room, and a diversely spectacular 200+ acre backlot on the Colorado River for producing pretty much any entertainment project imaginable.

Don’t just dream big, make it big. Afterall, we are Texas.

Are you involved in making a web series, television show, video game, movie, AR/VR/XR? This Texas gem offers space, facilities, and amenities for all sizes and kinds of projects. Not a few major movies & TV shows have been filmed there, along with smaller productions such as by contestants in the Austin 48-Hour Film Project. Equipped with lighting, sound, green screens, a cyclorama wall, and so much more, if you can dream it, you can make it here.

New Republic Studios is available for any size & variety of production projects, and if you haven’t visited, arrange an appointment to do so on your very next opportunity.

So come to Opal’s this Wednesday the 14th to find out what it’s all about! And while there, also get the scoop on our Annual Talent Showcase for 2018 happening next month, where you can be the star!


Last Month:
Yours truly, Gary L. Wimmer (the guy who runs the sound system) was thrilled to be the guest speaker at the mixer on Wednesday, October 10th, and I hope you folks enjoyed my insights and ramblings.
Check out my book, A Second in Eternity!
See photos here, and more mixer photos here.


Be in our audience on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 @ Opal Divine’s, have some great food, meet like minds, network, and get illuminated by our stellar guest speakers from New Republic Studios!

Come and bring a friend for laughing & learning and of course, networking. Bring a friend, and while there enjoy Opal Divine’s Happy Hour which lasts until 7, then $3 “Three for Texas” beers the rest of the evening. And don’t cook or go anywhere else for a meal or snacks because Opal’s offers a tasty and largely locally-sourced menu of goodies.

Pass along our website and check it for details about each month’s speaker(s)!
Find this month’s mixer on Facebook and invite your friends.
Get on our mailing list and keep up with us on social media:
Like our page & join our group on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!

Mixing & Networking @ 6:00PM, Announcements @ 6:30, Speakers @ 6:45
Followed by More Mixing & Mingling and Networking

October 10, 2018 ~ Gary Wimmer

Gary L. Wimmer
Musician, Actor, Author, Psychic, Speaker


This month we’ll be treated to a program by the man behind the sound at our monthly mixers, Network Austin Mixer Co-founder & Core Member Gary L. Wimmer on Wednesday, October 10th at Opal Divine’s Austin Grill!

Gary looks back on his 50 years as a self-employed and often struggling musician and his last 15 years as a writer, psychic, and actor with more pride now than he felt going through those challenging but fun-filled decades. He has come to realize that it’s all about attitude, what we learn along the way, our decision to gain insight from the past and move on, and our determination to focus on what we can do and change rather than what we cannot do or change.

Gary began playing lead guitar in 1963, studied psychic phenomena in the late 60s, graduated from Texas Tech in 1970 (BS Electrical Engineering), and soon started traveling as a professional musician, knowing it would be more fun than working as an engineer. In 1973, he started giving psychic readings and still does to this day. And in 1977, Gary had an intense revelatory “near-death experience” (NDE) that still profoundly affects him, which he wrote about in his book, A Second in Eternity, and speaks about at NDE events and in interviews.

In 1980, Gary began teaching himself piano, and by 1985 he was performing solo at piano bars. He moved to Copenhagen in 1994, and went on to perform throughout Scandinavia. In 2000, he moved back to Austin where he ventured into acting, as well as writing screenplays and books. Then Doran Ingrham founded the Network Austin Mixer in 2005, joined by Gary a year later, and subsequently honored to be joined by Donise L. Hardy, CSA. Together they made the mixer what it has become today.

All in all, Gary has led a diverse and eventful life, passionately pursued his dreams creatively, and made a living as a self-employed artist for decades. He has discovered how to make his eccentric dots connect, and will be offering empowering insights about how and what we can make happen when we take chances, imagine and realize our dreams, think outside the box, and exercise our creativity in all areas of life.

Wisdom comes with experience, and experience comes because we take chances and put ourselves through challenges. No challenges, no growth. And we are all package deals with unique fears, limitations and weaknesses, but we are also gifted with unique creativity, ability and paths toward success and happiness. We create our reality by how we percieve our lives at the moment and then act. Perception is the one aspect of life that we (and we alone) can always change. And by changing our perception, making decisions and following through we create our reality, just as baseball players who believe they can hit a home run indeed do hit more than the doubters do. And Gary learned how to believe, trust, and have faith more than doubt.

Read more about Gary here, and watch more of him here. Find his books (which he’ll happily sign at the mixer!): A Second in Eternity & Lithomancy. And for more about Gary’s NDE:
A Second in Eternity
INACS Meeting
Big Daddy G Show
IANDS Meeting


Last Month:
We extend our deepest thanks to Carrie Elsass and her son, actor Jordan Elsass, along with Casting Director Donise L. Hardy, CSA for being our guest speakers on Wednesday, September 12th. Jordan discussed the hurdles young actors face, and revealed his intelligence, dedication, and passion, highlighting how one must not worry about the roles one does not get. Carrie explained the challenges of mothering and managing a “rising star” son, and Donise kept the conversation going by asking great questions and providing input from her many years’ experience teaching & casting actors of all ages. It was an informative and enlightening evening, and we all thank you, Carrie, Jordan, and Donise, for such a great presentation!
See photos here, and more mixer photos here.


Come and bring a friend to Opal Divine’s on Wednesday the 10th for laughing & learning and of course, networking. Bring a friend, and while there enjoy Opal Divine’s Happy Hour which lasts until 7, then $3 “Three for Texas” beers the rest of the evening. And don’t cook or go anywhere else for a meal or snacks because Opal’s offers a tasty and largely locally-sourced menu of goodies.

Pass along our website and check it for details about each month’s speaker(s)!
Find this month’s mixer on Facebook and invite your friends.
Get on our mailing list and keep up with us on social media:
Like our page & join our group on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!

Mixing & Networking @ 6:00PM, Announcements @ 6:30, Speakers @ 6:45
Followed by More Mixing & Mingling and Networking